Marty shows off his feet!

God has given Shari and I the leading to step back from our work in Honduras and focus on the doors that have He’s opening in Spokane Washington State. I’ve been asked to serve as an interim worship pastor at Northview Bible Church until August and to also consider a role with a recovery ministry in the downtown area. We are prayerfully considering the next steps God has for us. It’s a heavy heart to think of not being with our dear friends in Honduras but God has worked there and it’s a privilege to see so many growing in faith and serving God. Thanks for your prayers! Bill

All Donation receipts for 2024 will be processed and sent out in the first week of June. Feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions. 503-410-6273

Over 49 have done the “Write the Bible” project!

Many have stepped up: orphans, addicts, people living in poverty, from ages 8 to 80. These all have taken the challenge to soak up God’s word by reading and writing entire books of the Bible! We had promised to buy shoes for 20+ and then the kids asked if they could do it too! That wasn’t part of the budget but when we saw their willingness to commit to study God’s Word we just said “yes” and prayed God’s people would help cover that.

THANK YOU! Many have given towards this project. Thank You! Today is the last chance to donate in 2023. If you’d like to participate, you can use the “donate” button on this page.

Dios Le Bendiga! (God bless you)


(Quotes from people in addiction)

“I’ve never read the Bible before… I didn’t know what this (writing out

Mark) would do to me! Now I feel like I know Jesus and I want to do more”.


(New brother in Christ who now wants to write another book!)

the solution” for drugs, alcohol, gang life and prostitution have stepped up to the challenge we gave them - To write out by hand the entire book of Mark while we taught through it. The goal is Jesus. Watch Him, learn about Him andknow Him! For those who were unable to read or write (in Spanish or English) there was given the option to listen to and memorize Mark chapter 12’s key verses for the whole book. Each one who showed us the written proof of the whole book or who could quote the passages; received a new pair of shoes. (Over 28 shoes were given away to those who did complete the project. Some did BOTH projects!) It’s a privilege to be part of what God is doing here. Our brother, Dylon Price, a rescued addict and former gang leader himself was called by God to lead this ministry many years ago. Working together with Pastor Travis Morin, we’ve been able to serve along with both of these men of God to minister to these dear people. You can meet and learn more about them at

“I’m not able to read or write so I memorized the verses where Jesus

told us the most important commandments!” Rachel -

“But I don’t know how to read or write

and I want to study the book of Mark too.”

- Rachel said asking if there was a way she could be part of this project. Another woman in the rehab, Phyllis, said “I will read the Bible out loud for you and help you to memorize the verses required to earn the new shoes” It was beautiful to watch as these two woman worked together to learn about Jesus and dive into God’s word together! Rachel quoted the passages for us perfectly this week!

“Can we do it too? “

A group of 18 school kids, some orphaned, some children of addicts, have heard what the rehab is doing in Mark and are asking to write out Matthew.. So we’ve provided notebooks (and pens, a luxury here!) Each one will spend the next few weeks reading and writing out the whole book! We’re leaving the responsibility to “check their work” with the local ministry leaders and then they will also earn a pair of shoes!


I’ve been invited by our friends at Northview Bible Church in northern Spokane to retur as the interim worship director and believe that God would have me step into that temporarily. This will run possibly until May as they continue to search for a permanent person in that role. Please feel free to contact me by phone: 503-410-6273 or email:

DONATE Your tax deductible gift can be made online

or via mail: Hope To Honduras

805 S. Mariam Street

Spokane Valley, WA 99206

Our good friends, Pastor Travis and Tish Moran have served as missionaries for many years and they’ve led the launch of a training center that sits across from the dump where so many men, women and children spend their days…and nights!  Each week, these dear people are given food and the message of the gospel.  Travis and Tish have determined the best way to aid them in getting out of this life is to teach them a trade/skill that would make them employable.  It’s a great process and many have gone through already to learn construction, housekeeping,  English etc.  It’s a great opportunity for people like you to come and serve/teach others a skill you may have that can change their life!

To make a Tax Deductible Donation:

mail check to:

Hope To Honduras 805 S. Mariam St Spokane Valley, WA. 99206

Or use the “donate” button below to give online


Questions? More Information? Join the monthly prayer update by text or email!

805 S Mariam St

Spokane Valley, WA. 99206


Send Bibles, food, build a center for kids or just impact someone’s ETERNITY! THANK YOU! Donations are tax deductible EIN # 87-1226129)

Meet Bill and Shari Bradley

For the past 20+ years, Bill and Shari have served as leaders in local churches - Pastor, Music Leader, Outreach Events, Substance Abuse Recovery, Compassion and those facing unplanned Pregancy. Seeing God change lives by the impact of His Word and His Spirit has inspired them to continually share His Love with people.

Having led several mission teams, God's now called them to share the Hope of the gospel with children and families near Honduran dumps. As Bill says, " A sandwich will change one day for a child but JESUS, the Bread of life, can change that child's eternity! We give the sandwich first and then the hope of the Gospel."

God has called them to come alongside ministry leaders and pastors in many areas of the country to team up with them in gospel ministry to kids/families, Recovery from addiction ministry, assisting a medical outreach, working with an expat church and a new opportunity has come to work beside national pastors in sharing worship music, kids events and the gospel with those waiting for medical attention. Healing the body AND offering the Spiritual Healing of faith in Jesus is our vision We are excited about the possibilities God’s bringing to light!

“We are grateful for your prayers, encouragement and financial support. God Bless You!” - Bill & Shari

(Donations are tax deductible EIN # 87-1226129)